6GHz or FX-9590 processor to reach the recommended specs, achieving high graphics setting on 1080p. Fallout 4 configuration tool features: Rather than you manually adding in lines of instructions this if you want the fallout 4 tweaker for yourself then it's available to download now from over on nexusmods. Description: The Configuration Tool lets you unlock tweaks and options not readily accessible through the game's launcher and setting menu. last update Wednesday, February 17, 2021. Fallout 4 Configuration Tool Features: Field of View Tweaker (1st person, 3rd person, 3rd Person ADS) Toggle Mouse Acceleration Toggle Mouse Smoothing Removed Toggle Vsync lock Toggle Gamepad Support Gamepad sensitivity Toggle the Intro video Tweak the Mouse Sensitivity Tweak Resolution Toggle Windowed Borderless Makes your INI files read-only after editing so they don One of the biggest complaints with Fallout 4, perhaps the only complaint, is the poor optimization for PC.
Rather than you manually adding in lines of instructions this new application has tick boxes for Console commands come pretty handy whenever a player wants to make a few tweaks and adjustments in the game.